О Центре
О Центре



To ensure the high quality of the materials published and copyright compliance, all articles submitted to the editorial staff of the journal are checked for borrowing using the “Antiplagiat” system and only then are reviewed.

Authors should send the papers prepared for publication in accordance with the requirements and accompanied with an expert opinion on the possibility of open publication. A high-quality copy printed on good white paper using a laser printer should be sent by e-mail. Papers submitted for publication should strictly comply with the requirements listed below. A paper of 5 to 15 pages should be carefully edited. Papers are accepted in the Microsoft Word text editor, version 97–2007.

1.   The submitted papers should be original not previously published in other printed matters. The paper should be understood by not only specialists in the field but also by a wide range of readers.

2.   The paper of scientific nature should have the following mandatory elements:

–  statement of the problem (the question answered in the paper);

–  analysis of existing methodological approaches to solving the problem;

–  research part;

–  system of evidences and scientific argumentation;

–  conclusions;

–  references.

3.   The survey paper should include the following structural elements:

– introduction (information on the subject area under consideration);

– main part (consideration of knowledge state of a particular problem, a reasonable assessment of the published works of other researchers);

– conclusions (logical conclusions based on the study done, recommendations for further studies or proposals for the introduction of scientific innovations for solving the specific problems).

4.   Experimental studies: the paper should include the following sections:

– introduction (no title) stating the purposes of experimental studies;

– methodology (methods and means of experimental studies, ways of processing the obtained results);

– results and foundation of their reliability;

– conclusions.

The papers describing the results of human and animal research should contain references to the approvals of local (institutional) commissions (committees) on bio-medical ethics indicating the date and number of a relevant protocol. For conducting human research each human subject must sign a voluntary Informed Consent after an explanation of potential risks, benefits, and the nature of coming studies as well.

5. The first page of the article should contain the following information:

- UDC (Universal Decimal classification);

- Title of the article;

- Name(s), surname(s) of author(s);

- Information about author(s): position, place of employment, academic status, academic degree, home address (including zip code), contact telephone numbers (office, home), e-mail address;

- Abstract (3–10 lines);

- Keywords (8–10 words), which are placed after the abstract.

6. References should be given in alphabetical order (first literature in Russian, then in foreign languages) in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100-2018 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographical description. General requirements and rules of bibliography”.

Page Setup

In the dialogue box “File-Page Setup”, A4 paper size, portrait orientation is used. Page margins: top and bottom – 4.82 cm, left and right – 4.25 cm. In the text “Automatic hyphenation” should be chosen.


UDC is pointed in the left corner (Times New Roman, font size – 10 points).

Article title is typed in capital letters (Times New Roman, Bold, font size – 12 points), left-justified.

Initials, surname of author(s) should be placed after the article title and aligned with the left margin (Times New Roman, font size – 12 points).

Abstract and keywords

The text of an abstract and keywords (Times New Roman, font size – 10 points) should be indented by 1.25 cm from the left margin. Keywords are placed after the abstract beginning with the word “Keywords” (Bolded), the word is spelled with a capital letter; then two-spot; then the list of keywords separated by commas (Times New Roman font, Regular, full justification).

Repeat in English the article title, initials and surname(s) of author(s) (Times New Roman font, Bold, font size – 11 points,). Indentation to the left margin – 1.25 cm, full justification.

Repeat the abstract and keywords in English (Times New Roman font, Regular, font size – 10 points, full justification).

Body text

The body text should be in Russian, Times New Roman, font size – 11 points, line spacing – single. The first line of every paragraph should be indented by 0.8 cm. Illustrations should be computer-aided (Word, .bmp, .jpg, .gif files) and editable. Figures are located in the text. Formulas are typed in Microsoft Equation. Tables, diagrams, drawings and formulas should be numbered; tables and diagrams should be titled, the titles should always be placed above the tables or diagrams, each drawing should have a caption. Figures, diagrams, and tables should be in black and white if the color does not have any particular importance. Each scientific article should conclude with a brief summary.


Photos and drawings are sent as separate files in addition to the paper.

Bitmapped files (photos and drawings) should be provided in one of the following format:

TIFF (without compression);

EPS (without compression);


• It is permissible to save a copy of the bitmapped file in the JPEC format providing the highest possible quality level.

To obtain printed products of high quality, the resolution of bitmapped images should not be lower than 300dpi.

Vector files – in the CDR format (Corel Draw) – version up to 13.


References are typed in Times New Roman, line spacing – single, font size – 10 points. References should be given in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100-2018 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographical description. General requirements and rules of bibliography”.

The Reference list should be limited to both the time of publication (publications over the last 5–8 years, citation of earlier works is allowed only if necessary) and the number of references (no more than 15–20 sources in original articles and no more than 40–50 sources in scientific reviews). If possible, provide the Reference list in English.

An author retains the right to copy his (her) publication. The articles for publication should be provided in duplicate. The first copy should contain the author’s signature. The articles should be sent to the address given below or to the member of editorial committee, who is the most competent in the paper topic in the author’s opinion. The material submitted for publication will not be returned to authors.

The publication of articles in the journal is free.

The articles executed without regard to the rules given above will not be accepted for publication.


The editorial board of the journal does not bear any responsibility in front of authors and/or third parties and institutions for potential losses caused by the publication. The editorial board has the right to withdraw the published article if during its publication somebody’s rights or customary scientific ethic norms had been violated. The author of an article, specialists who gave recommendations, and the organization, where the work was done, should be informed about the withdrawal.








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