О Центре
О Центре

Ethical Standards for Publication

of the journal “Manned Flights to Space”


The science journal “Manned Flights to Space” is intended for publishing papers that refer to the following topics: results of implementation and provision for manned space programs; selection, training and post-flight rehabilitation of cosmonauts; ensuring safety of cosmonauts in orbit; scientific-applied research and experiments in space and on the Earth; creation and modernization of space engineering and ground-based technical facilities used for training cosmonauts.

The editorial board of the science journal “Manned Flights to Space” is guided by the international ethical standards for scientific publications that include moral rectitude rules, confidentiality, supervision for publications, and does its best to avoid situations of real or perceived conflicts of interest. Papers submitted by authors are evaluated in terms of their intellectual content. All persons who contributed significantly to work on the paper should be listed as co-authors. All incoming manuscripts are checked against proper use of data and availability of a full list of used sources. The editorial staff takes all measures to ensure the high level of published papers as well to preclude plagiarism and the use of knowingly corrupted data.

Obligations of Authors of Manuscripts:

- An author should ensure the originality of the research performed. An author should give references to sources or citations when using the papers or words of other authors. Remember that an excessive use of borrowings is unethical and plagiarism in any forms is unacceptable;

- An author is responsible for the validity of presented results of research. The use of knowingly corrupted or falsified data is unacceptable. The author of a published paper is responsible for the selection and accuracy of the facts, citations, statistics and other data;

- Only persons who have significantly contributed to the conception, research and paper presentation should be listed as authors. To protect the integrity of authorship, no persons should be listed as authors and co-authors due to their status, reputation, and supposed influence, personal or professional connection or for a fee. Persons who have participated in some stages of research may be mentioned in the paper text;

- An author should ensure that any others named as authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its publication;

- It is inappropriate for an author to submit the manuscript for publication to more than one journal.

Obligations of Reviewers of Manuscripts:

- A reviewer should adhere to timescales of reviewing manuscripts and to confidentiality of evaluations. A reviewer who feels inadequately qualified or lacks the time to judge the research reported in the manuscript should notify the editor and return it promptly;

- A reviewer should be sensitive even to the appearance of a conflict of interests due to competitive, cooperative  and other interactions or interrelations with any of authors, companies or other organizations associated with the research reported in the manuscript;

- A reviewer should treat the manuscript subjected to review as a confidential document. Its contents should neither be shown nor discussed with others not authorized by the Editor;

- A reviewer evaluates the topicality, scientific merits, degree of novelty, theoretical and practical significance, correspondence of manuscripts to the subject matter of the journal and recommends or does not recommend it for publication;

- A reviewer should judge the quality of manuscripts objectively and impartially. A reviewer should clearly and reasonably express personal opinion, confirming it, if necessary, by making reference to a source;

- A reviewer is not allowed to make copies of manuscripts for own needs.


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